Non-Surgical Body Lift

Non-Surgical Body Lift

Non-Surgical Body Lift: If we ask what is the golden rule of having a fit body, many people will undoubtedly answer this question such as losing weight, losing weight, being thin. However, we can easily say that a tight skin is a must for having a fit body.

Before getting into topics such as what tight skin means and how to achieve tight skin, let’s talk about why the skin becomes loose.

There are many reasons why skin becomes loose. Our skin is a living tissue and therefore, as we age, our skin continues to age with us. As we age, collagen production in our skin decreases, connective tissues weaken, and collagen fibers are damaged. In addition to these, metabolic wastes accumulated in the body also negatively affect our skin.

After a certain point, our skin begins to loosen as the tissues under the skin begin to melt. These skin loosenings may occur regardless of the person’s weight or after extreme weight changes.

So how can we treat or treat these skin loosenings?

When it comes to tighter skin, many people think of body lift applications. Especially with stretching surgeries, arms, legs and abdomen can be tightened and a tighter, more fit appearance can be achieved. However, stretching surgeries are both long-lasting operations and disconnect the person from his social and business life. However, corsets worn especially after the procedure cause great discomfort to the person in their social lives.

Thanks to today’s medical technologies, we can now have a tight and taut body with non-surgical methods. Non-surgical body lift applications, which go by many different names such as satin body lift, non-surgical body lift, are both comfortable procedures and applications that do not interrupt social life, are performed in the clinic, and after the procedure, people can easily return to social life and continue their daily routines.

Procedures regarding loosening of the skin are applications that should be done in combination. In order for us to talk about a successful body lift, both the quality and elasticity of the skin must be increased. In addition, muscle formation should be supported and the new tension achieved in the skin should be ensured to be permanent for a long time.

Otherwise, an effective body lift cannot be achieved in procedures performed only for skin quality. For a successful non-surgical body lift, many applications should be combined and each problem causing loose skin should be addressed one by one. Many applications should be performed in combination and a renewal should be achieved from the lowest layers of the skin to the top layer with many energy-based medical devices. Moreover, by shaping the muscle mass in the body, the body lift result should be helped to be long-lasting.

What Technologies Do You Use in Non-Surgical Body Lifting Applications?

Within the scope of non-surgical body lifting, we frequently use Ultra lifting, which we call high-focus ultrasound. High-focus ultrasound supports collagen production in the skin thanks to the ultrasound waves it emits and helps the skin renew itself and strengthen connective tissues by activating fibroblast cells in the skin. In addition, BTL Exilis Elite is one of the procedures we frequently use in non-surgical body lift applications.

If you ask why you are applying for BTL Exilis Elite application; This system is the only system that incorporates ultrasound and radio frequency waves simultaneously. Therefore, while it supports collagen production in the skin just like high-focus ultrasound, it accelerates the skin’s self-renewal process by creating thermal heat damage under the skin thanks to radio frequency waves. In this way, the skin recovers in a shorter time and begins to tighten.

As the Daisy Polyclinic family, we also shape the muscles under the skin so that the body lift we achieve with these two applications that improve skin quality within the scope of non-surgical body lift is long-lasting.

How do we do muscle shaping? Of course with the Schwarzy app!

30 dakikada 30.000 mekik çekmişçesine kaslar üzerinde bir etki yaratan Schwarzy uygulaması, ameliyatsız vücut germe protokollerimizde sıklıkla başvurduğumuz uygulamalardan biridir. Kasları stimüle ederek kasların aşırı şekilde çalışmasını sağlayan Schwarzy uygulanmasıyla kaslar hem kütlesel olarak artar hem de güçlenir. Böylelikle cilt altında şekillenen kaslar, cildin gerginliğine katkı sağlar ve elde edilen vücut verme çok daha uzun soluklu bir şekilde hastalar üstünde kalıcı olur.

However, when it comes to non-surgical body lifting, another application we use most is the BTL Emtone application. BTL Emtone application, which has been frequently used in recent years, especially in the treatment of cellulite, also gives successful results in non-surgical body lift procedures. Because it contains both shock wave and monopolar radio frequency. These two energy systems facilitate the body’s self-renewal and also rearrange the circulation in the body. Thus, the appearance of cellulite is reduced during non-surgical body lift procedures. These applications can be done one after the other or in different combinations, or they can be done individually according to the needs of the patients.

In procedures performed in sessions, the number of sessions or session intervals vary depending on the skin deformation the patients are exposed to. For example, the number of sessions for patients who have excessive skin laxity and whose skin is now prone to sagging is not the same as the number of sessions for patients with mild skin laxity.

Non-surgical body lift procedures, for which personalized protocols are created after detailed analysis and evaluations, are comfortable applications, but also have long-term permanence when done in accordance with correct planning. However, at this point, we find it useful to point out that, as in all skin applications, the permanence of non-surgical body lift applications varies depending on people’s living habits, nutrition and sleep patterns, and even consumption habits. For this reason, if you want to have a non-surgical body lift, you should pay attention to all your vital habits, especially your eating habits, to ensure that the permanence lasts for many years after the procedure.

Although non-surgical body lift procedures can be repeated in the future, great efficiency can be obtained from the procedures performed in one go with proper planning and discipline.

We have compiled for you the frequently asked questions and answers about non-surgical body lift protocols, which are considered popular applications of recent years when it comes to non-surgical aesthetics all over the world. You can also visit our Instagram address to get more information about our applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are non-surgical body lift procedures safe?

All procedures we perform in our clinic within the scope of non-surgical body lift applications are performed with FDA-approved devices. Therefore, the applications are reliable and comfortable applications approved by the American authorities.

What is the price of non-surgical body lift?

Within the scope of non-surgical body lift application, many applications can be performed in sessions, or a single application can be performed in line with the needs of the patients. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about a fixed fee when it comes to the prices of non-surgical body lift applications. The best information about non-surgical body lift applications can be given after the consultation meeting.

Can non-surgical body lifts be performed in combination with other procedures?

Evet, yapılabilir. Ameliyatsız vücut germe uygulamaları ağrısız ve acısız uygulamalardır. Konforlu işlem sürecinin yanı sıra uygulama sonrasında da hastaların müşahade altında kalması gerekmez. Hemen hemen böyle konforlu sürece sahip her uygulamada olduğu gibi ameliyatsız vücut germe uygulamaları da başka işlemlerle kombine olarak yapılabilmektedir.
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